Cosmic Forecast September 2021

September takes us into the heart of Virgo season. The archetypal energy that Virgo represents is deeply connected to the harvest and changing of seasons. The constellation Virgo is tied to the mythology of Persephone and Demeter, and stories of a utopian golden age of endless springtime, abundance, and eternal youth. There are strong ties between Virgo and the subsequent sign, Libra, as the constellations share a few stars (and mythological analogs) between them. Those of us who live in urban settings are often separated from growth and harvest cycles, and September is a wonderful time to reconnect with the unpredictable blessings that nature provides. It’s also a time to process grief. Sometimes we plant seeds that don’t sprout; the crops we take time and energy to tend can die in an early frost. 

With a New Moon in Virgo darkening the night sky on the 6th, we’re invited into the underworld––Persephone’s realm of self-actualization and maturation. We can interpret Persephone’s time with Hades as a period of intensified adolescence. She learns how to step into her power and rule the underworld as its queen. This season is a great time to take responsibility for your life. Set boundaries and, rather than bending yourself to fit into the situations you find yourself in, seek out places that fit you. You’ll have the most success where your gifts are appreciated and uplifted consistently. 

This month’s energy is much more serious than it was over the summer as the personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are in Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio for the duration. There’s a sense of intensity that feels like the reverent hush you experience in a sacred space of worship. It’s a powerful container that requires less action and more allowing. It’s a good time to “localize” your energy. Spend time with your immediate family, friends, and close connections. Log out of social media. Ground into a sense of where you’re in the physical realm, meet yourself there and tend to your intimate relationships. Be aware of how far away you’re placing your energy––whether that’s looking for life advice from an influencer who doesn’t know you or ruminating on circumstances that are entirely out of your control. 

Libra’s influence colours this month’s Virgo energy because Mercury (Virgo’s ruler) is hanging out in the sign for most of the month. When it comes to communication, we’re asked to speak honestly and disclose our expectations upfront. It’s an excellent time to negotiate and set things right if you’re in conflict. There’s also a focus on asking for and offering help, such as getting people’s groceries, cooking others’ dinner, and helping with chores. With Mars entering Libra on the 14th, the best way to get what you want is to ask, but only once you’re sure that what you’re after is in the highest and best of all parties. 

With the Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th and Venus in Scorpio (from the 10th), emotional experiences feel significant. It is not the month to play it cool in love or in your intimate friendships. Instead, take the time to reflect on your relationship with your feelings. Many of us engage in intellectualizing heart matters, but rationality isn’t the pinnacle of consciousness. If a stove is hot, it hurts and you take your hand off of it. If something is hurting your feelings, don’t try to justify why you “should” be stronger or more able to handle it. Consider what your feelings are trying to tell you about your life. Sometimes we react to present events through the lens of trauma: look deeper at how your feelings are trying to keep you safe. Are you able to have a different reaction today than was available to you in the past?

The month ends with Mercury going Retrograde through Libra on the 27th, which means that you’ll get a second chance to say what you really mean if you need it. Soak in the gifts of Mercury Retrograde this fall. It’s a prime opportunity to slow down and rest. Libra is the archetypal energy of balance and harmony. It reminds us that there is a cosmic justice that no human system can override. The laws of nature are the only true laws: things constantly change, death is inevitable, love helps things regenerate, growth is intrinsic. Rest is a crucial counter-balance to the energy we all expend simply existing in our current era. 

Open yourself to receiving the abundant grace of Virgo season for the next thirty days and prepare to be transformed by gentleness. As September comes to a close, Libra’s influence will help you solidify what felt good this month into routines and lifestyle changes that help you feel supported and nourished.

Keagan is a writer, tarot reader, and astrologer. Find her on Instagram @moonsingemini to book a reading. Subscribe to her monthly tarotscope newsletter here.